
ForeverPen - The World's Smallest Inkless Pen

Created by World's Tiniest

Ever needed a pen and couldn’t find one? This one sits on your keys and never needs refilling.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sun Jun 11 '23 Announcement
11 months ago – Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 03:58:30 PM

Hi Everyone,


We hope you are well.  In today's update, we want to let everyone know where the campaign is at. 


All Rewards Shipped


We want to assure all backers that everyone's reward has now shipped. If you pledged within the last 2-3 weeks, please allow time for the tracking number to reach your inbox. 


If your pledge pre-dates the last 2-3 weeks and you believe your reward hasn't arrived with you yet. Please email: 

[email protected]


'Shipping Now Phase'


We have now entered a phase where we are able to ship routinely on a cyclic basis every couple of weeks. This is as new batches arrive with our fulfillment center on a regular basis to replenish stock. 






Thank You For The Continued Support!

We want to each and every one for all the amazing support and backing you have all shown the ForeverPen Indiegogo campaign.

Without you, we wouldn't have been able to continue long after the original crowdfunding campaign. 


You guys are awesome!




Worlds Tiniest Team

Fri Dec 9 '22 Announcement
over 1 year ago – Fri, Dec 09, 2022 at 05:27:05 AM

Hey everyone,

We recently noticed some of you hadn’t yet received your pens after our last update.

After carefully reviewing all the backers who mailed in, we’ve found that every single one who hadn’t received their tracking number were due to receive one or more Copper ForeverPens from one specific batch of copper pens.


The Copper Batch

That copper batch was shipped to the fulfilment centre many months ago, but wasn’t checked in properly and was mistakenly shown as a shipping problem due to the number being so low in comparison to the total number of pens (40,000+ pens total to 11,000+ KS/IG backers).

We’ve also moved into retail with extreme popularity, so our customer service has been very busy, forwarding all Kickstarter fulfilment queries through the fulfilment centre.


Solving the backlog

After identifying the specific batch, we’ve already gone through production for many more units of Copper, which have been completing production and have now started shipping out daily.

Since we discontinued Copper and Brass after crowdfunding, these pens had to be made from scratch.

Tracking numbers are going out daily, but the copper pens are being made quite slowly, so over the next few weeks (final production finishes in two weeks) every single person should have a tracking number.

We’re almost certain all of your copper pens will ship in time to gift for Christmas.


Non-Copper Backers, have you completed your survey?

From the queries that weren’t copper-related, we’ve noticed that most backers who are contacting us haven’t done their surveys, so we ask that anyone who doesn’t have a copper pen in their order must firstly check their survey on BackerKit before contacting us to speed things up.

Click here to check your survey (non-copper backers):

Kind regards,

World’s Tiniest

Thu Sep 22 '22 Announcement
over 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 02:36:20 AM

Hey everyone,

We’re now around 90% through shipping and we’re coming through to completion!

Please bear in mind that all the orders are sent out in similar batches, so it may seem random and your number may come up later than the others.


Using Your ForeverPen

We wanted to use this update to cover two tips for using your pens that we’ve discovered from the feedback we’ve received.

Tip 1

When first using the ForeverPen, it comes with the outer layers oxidised as a way to protect the metal from getting damaged while on your keys etc.

Before using the pen, we’d advise that you slowly rub off a few layers from the tip where you’d like to write with until you can see a slight shine to the metal.

This greatly helps with adhesion as you get a fresher piece of the metal to make direct contact with the surface.

Tip 2

When writing with the ForeverPen, you may notice it can sometimes feel like the ink doesn’t run.

This can happen when you write on a surface that is either very smooth with no texture, low quality (<80gsm paper) or has a surface finish (like gloss). These surfaces tend not to let the metal adhere as well.

You’ll find that materials with more texture or that are thicker (like quality paper over recycled), will greatly help adhesion and your writing experience.



We’ve had some great feedback from everyone in our emails, and after some delays with shipping we’re glad to say we’re on track to conclude shipping in coming weeks.

We want to say thank you to all of you who backed our idea and helped it become a reality.

The last thing for you to do is try out those tips above and let us know how you’re getting on with your pens.


For any shipping queries, our team is contactable via email only. Messages sent through Kickstarter can get lost so we ask that everyone either makes their query by replying to their shipping email or directly with us at: [email protected]

Thank you everyone!


Kind regards,

World’s Tiniest

Fri Jul 8 '22 Announcement
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 08, 2022 at 09:36:16 AM

Hi everyone,

We’ve been really hard at work making sure your ForeverPens are going out as fast as possible.

So far, already 60% of the pens have shipped out, to the tune of around 30,000+ pens.

Many have already arrived, but many of you should have already received your tracking numbers too.


Additional Inspection

Shipping in bulk has been quite difficult as our pens are visually checked once more before they’re packaged, which is taking most of the time up.

This however, has helped us get rid of any defects prior to shipping, ensuring your pens arrive perfectly.

When does my ForeverPen ship?

We’re getting through as many as we can right now, so please be patient as we get your order out the door.

We’re looking at having all our pens shipped before the end of the month, within 3 weeks from now

As we’ve got a bottleneck with the final inspection, we’re scaling up our final inspection team to be able to check the rest of the pens, with around 20,000 left to ship.


Shipping Email

If your pens already shipped, you should see an email from: [email protected] showing you a big button labelled “Track Shipment” in addition to a link further down called “Alternative Tracking Link”.

These links sometimes start working around 2-3 days after you receive the tracking email, as they’re sent out when your label is freshly printed.

Click the Track Shipment button to instantly go to the preferred carrier tracking page for your country - with the tracking number already there to search. Try the Alternative Tracking Link if that doesn’t work.

The actual tracking page might only give results when the package hits your country’s border, as we’re usually using your national carrier, so please be patient if the link only shows one entry for a while.

Please note: After your tracking number is sent out, you’ll only have three months until it expires, so please contact our team if it doesn’t arrive before then.


Final Check

As above, to see whether your tracking email arrived, search your inbox for an email from us:

[email protected]


Thank you once again for making the ForeverPen a reality and for your amazing feedback. We’re really excited about getting the rest of the pens out to all of you!


Kind regards,

World’s Tiniest

Fri May 20 '22 Announcement
almost 2 years ago – Fri, May 20, 2022 at 03:53:38 AM

Hi everyone,

We’re glad to finally say we’re at the point that we’re about to start shipping!


Our previous update

On our previous update we mentioned that shipping would start earlier, however this isn’t something we can redo once they’re sent, so we’ve had to make sure that every pen was checked over again before we could formally start the shipping process.

We’re currently in the middle of repacking the pens now, so we’re very confident we can start shipping Kickstarter rewards by this coming Wednesday.

We’re happy to say that everything is in place and while we wanted to release this update when we’d already started shipping, rechecking all the pens has taken us quite some time.

We’d like to apologise for the long delays, as this is our first project and it’s taken off quite significantly, so we wanted to be 100% sure there wouldn’t be a problem.

Joint Kickstarter & Indiegogo backers will be combined and shipped.

Indiegogo backers will be shipped as soon as the Kickstarter backers all have tracking numbers/notifications of shipment. 


What's happening now

Right now the labels are being printed with each batch of the same combination to try to speed things up.

Here are some pictures of the first few final packages after rechecking:


Inspecting the pens
The first finalised batch


Shipping order

The first packages set to go out will be the Expedited shipping orders, followed by the rest from the most common order combinations to the least.

If you haven’t yet filled in your survey, as a few hundred are left over, please do that soon to avoid further delays.


Moving address

Finally, if you are moving address or simply haven’t been able to change your address since we locked them last week, please contact our support team as soon as possible as your shipping label may have already been printed and we’ll need to remove it or redo it.

[email protected]


Thanks for being so patient as we come to the final shipping phase!


Kind regards,

World's Tiniest