
ForeverPen - The World's Smallest Inkless Pen

Created by World's Tiniest

Ever needed a pen and couldn’t find one? This one sits on your keys and never needs refilling.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Wed Oct 27 '21 Announcement
over 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 06:44:56 PM

Hey everyone,

We hope you’re all doing well!

In today’s update we’d like to go over what’s happening with your ForeverPens!

We do apologise for not updating you sooner, but we wanted to have some concrete information on every moving part of the process for you.

Our team only consists of a handful of people and while we were only initially expecting a few hundred pens to start, we’ve gotten orders for over 50,000 pens to fulfil which is an enormous amount so please bear with us, as we want to make sure we get it right.


Charging Cards

We still have a number of backers whose cards have not yet been charged for their BackerKit add-ons, as we’ve been charging them slowly, so please look out for a “BackerKit Charge” on your statement if you haven’t already been charged in BackerKit. This will be for the ForeverPen.

You can check how much this will be by logging into your survey and confirming if you’ve added add-ons (like tracked shipping) and whether your card has been charged yet.

Request a survey link here to check:

IMPORTANT: Please note that any charges taken in BackerKit are not linked to Kickstarter or Indiegogo and you would have had to manually enter in your card details in order for a charge to be put through. Your survey may have been filled in months ago but you may be charged on a different date (you're only charged once).


Pen Tips

The pen tips are our only source of bottleneck as far as the project goes, as they’re only made by one manufacturer.

They are also the hardest part to make of the ForeverPen, as they require the exact proportions of each element in the composite.

We received a small batch of production tips around 2 weeks ago which were quite brittle and after testing the composition, we found that they had used an incorrect percentage for one of our composite base elements - (closer to one of our much older samples).

Now, earlier this week we’ve received the revised final production samples and we can happily confirm that they’re using the final compositions we wanted and we’re having them restart production.


Pen Bodies

The pen bodies are still in production with the manufacturers at the moment, who are working on them in tandem.

We narrowed it down to two suppliers who could make the quality that we needed. This is to help speed up the process and allow us to produce all 50k+ of them.

Up till now, nearly a third of them are completed and steadily increasing. There are still quite a few left and since the production samples have turned out quite well, we can see these finishing a lot quicker than the tips.



The ForeverBases have now started production too. They will be machined from a solid piece of Titanium, so they'll be quite easy to produce - similar to the pen bodies, but with much larger rods that are a little harder to get a hold of.

It looks like they might be completed before the tips too, as they require no composite.



We’re working to make the packaging from as much recycled material as possible to ensure we’re being as eco friendly as we can. The packaging is currently in the works and should be completed before shipping.

For every ForeverPen, you'll get it wrapped with its own little gift package so you can give them to friends and family.


Final Thoughts

We’ve had a few hurdles along the way, but we’re delighted to say that we’re still on track to fulfil the first batch of ForeverPens in mid-December. That’s if everything goes to plan as we hope, though all we ask is that you have a little patience.

A few of the comments we have seen are very disheartening, primarily because our intention is to make the best pens possible and we're not skimping on quality or production in areas where we could have, and we're taking slightly more time for the sole purpose of making the best possible pens for you.

We’re a small team, and this is our first project of many, we hope, so please bear with us.

Thank you for your support!


Kind regards,

World’s Tiniest

Wed Sep 22 '21 Announcement
over 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 07:32:48 AM

Hey everyone,

We hope you’re all keeping well!

In today’s update, we’d like to go over what’s happening with your ForeverPens!


Currently working on

We’re still working on speeding up manufacturing for the pen tips, but we’re happy to say that the pen bodies have returned some awesome results.


Pen Tips

We’ve been looking for other manufacturers to work in tandem and help produce the huge amount of pen tips we need, however we couldn’t find any others that could match the quality we currently have from our main manufacturer.

Even though we weren’t able to speed up making the tips, we’re very confident that each and every tip will be perfect when it gets to you!


Pen Bodies

We’ve taken a closer look at other manufacturers for the pen bodies too, and the samples look great.

The quality of samples we received was perfect across a range of different manufacturers, as the body materials aren’t too difficult to source.

Here’s a quick look at three ForeverPen body samples:

The ForeverPen bodies

We’re delighted to see that the project is coming to life, and we’ve only got you guys to thank!


Ship date

With regards to our ship date, we predict that the slower tooling for the pen tips may set us back a little further.

We’re now looking at likely another month to bring us to December at the very minimum.

Please note: This delay is in addition to the months long delays we’ve had with receiving the funds from Kickstarter and receiving the BackerKit responses.

Our pen tips manufacturer is a little slower than expected, but we’re happy to say we haven’t had any hiccups along the way!


Charging Cards

As the BackerKit surveys are still being filled in, they're being charged in batches. 

This means that any upgrades you've selected in BackerKit will show up on your card statement under the name "BackerKit Charge".

Please ensure that these are validated as some may be charged at a later date from when you filled in the survey.

If you want some upgrades/add-ons

If you want to add some more upgrades/add-ons, then please see our BackerKit preorder store. Click the link below to go there:

Remember to add the same address details as your Kickstarter order and they'll be shipped together and please be mindful that the charges come through as "BackerKit Charge" as opposed to "ForeverPen" or "Kickstarter".


Thank you everyone.

We’re delighted to have such awesome backers, thank you for all your support and helping us bring the ForeverPen to life!


Kind regards,

World’s Tiniest

Wed Aug 11 '21 Announcement
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 08:29:52 AM

Hey everyone,

We'd like to bring you up to speed with everything that’s been going on with your ForeverPens!

There are a few things to discuss, so we'll start with this: 


Production and Timeline

We haven’t updated in a while, as we’ve been looking at various solutions for the volume of backers that we've received.

We originally paced ourselves for a modest goal of less than £3,000 and ended up reaching over 100 times that goal. 

Our manufacturer has started on production of the pen bodies, but as they have to be produced using a manual CNC method, multiplying this a hundred times would've extended the timeframe quite a lot - and so we found a solution - more manufacturers.

We’ve now got some other manufacturers in tandem to speed up the process.

So, for the reasons above, as well as a few others - such as the lack of initial survey replies and the bank issues that lasted around a month - we expect the campaign to go on for about two/three months longer.

At this time, we predict that shipping will happen in October/November.

We’d never have imagined that we’d make such a successful project that so many of you would love!

Thank you again to all of you for helping making this happen!


BackerKit Surveys

We appreciate each and every one of you who already completed the BackerKit survey.

We’re currently awaiting over 2000 outstanding surveys, so please do get yours in as soon as possible to ensure that we have your details on file.

If you have not completed the survey or simply need to double check, you can do so by entering your Kickstarter log-on email here:

- Using Apple Hide My Email: You may not have received your email for the survey just yet.
          As BackerKit pulls your Apple Private Relay email from Kickstarter as opposed to your real email, we will be unable to send your BackerKit survey there.
          Fix: Please email our team ([email protected]) with a forward of your pledge confirmation/number, name and your real email address and we will be able to transfer your survey to that email.

- Charging Cards: Please note that some cards on BackerKit may not be charged right away and may process after a few weeks. 
          This is due to a batch process and your card will get charged eventually. 
          Fix: If you need to have your card charged at a specific time, please let our team know.

- Indiegogo Surveys: Everyone who backed on Indiegogo (in addition to Kickstarter) should expect a survey per pledge. 
          Please enter the same shipping details to have your orders combined.
          Please fill out each survey which is sent 11 days after your pledge on Indiegogo. Contact our team if you have issues.
          Check: Indiegogo BackerKit:


 ForeverBase - No Longer Out of Stock. 

Many of you - at least half - would have seen that the ForeverBase was out of stock in the Add-ons page.

This was due to an upper limit of 750 that was preliminarily set on the ForeverBase and was not removed when the huge influx of you filled in your BackerKits.

We’re happy to say that we’ve now opened this up again and if you’d like your ForeverBase, you can get it here:

Simply enter the same email and shipping address, so we can combine it with your Kickstarter + Indiegogo orders.


Thank you for all your support and kind words! 


Kind regards,

World’s Tiniest


Mon Jun 28 '21 Announcement
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 06:27:25 AM


Hey everyone, 


We hope you are doing great, we have some important news, so let's jump to it! 


Pledge Manager (BackerKit) Surveys Are Out! 


The survey is designed to collect the following preferences:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone (for shipping)
  • Shipping preferences
  • Choice of ForeverPen(s)
  • Brand new ForeverPen Pro
  • Any add-ons you may like such as the Forever Base

We use a platform called BackerKit for this process as it is safe, secure, and fully integrated with Indiegogo. They are also listed as accredited 'Indiegogo experts' meaning they have passed a series of thresholds for their elite standards from Indiegogo, unlike other pledge manager platforms.   


Here are a few FAQs answered:

Q: I have already completed my Kickstarter survey! 

A: You will get a survey for both Indiegogo and Kickstarter which must be completed to ensure prompt shipping. Please ensure your name/address on both surveys are identical if you want both rewards to be shipped together. 


Q: I have already given you my choices on Indiegogo!

A: These are preliminary choices that allow us to build your pledge manager survey for you. It will still be necessary to complete the BackerKit survey. 


Q: I haven't received my survey yet! 

A: Indiegogo enforces an 11-day cooling-off period. Once this passes we are then permitted to send you your survey. 


Q: I have waited 11 days and still haven't got my survey!

A: Please retrieve your survey, using your Indiegogo log-in email here:


* I have read the above and need further support completing/accessing my survey! *

Please email: [email protected] 


Why has the survey taken so long?

One thing that we saw often on the forms, and something that everyone has been looking forward to was a desk stand for your ForeverPen.

As the funds were taking a while to arrive, we decided to give you guys a surprise and fulfil everyones wishes at the same time!

We worked closely with our factory to design a whole new desk stand for your ForeverPens.


We call it, ForeverBase.

Machined from a solid piece of Grade 5 Titanium, the ForeverBase is a stand that will hold any ForeverPen (including the ForeverPen Pro) in a legendary upright position, ready to be used instantly.

It has a hidden non-slip silicon pad at the bottom to ensure it doesn’t slide across your desk and the entire design is rounded to ensure it’s super smooth.

To get yours, you’ll need to follow through the survey and look for the “Unlock ForeverBase” add-on.

There will be further instructions in the survey.

Here’s a quick look at it:

A quick render of the ForeverBase


As we had been getting calls to release the survey quicker, we haven’t had a chance to get photos of the actual ForeverBase, so 3D renderings have been used in it’s place. Please check the dimensions before backing.

Please note: As we’re revealing this as a surprise mention, we’re unsure of exactly how popular it will be, so if less than 100 of them are added, we will not go through with the production and they will be automatically removed from your pledge. You can see the amount backed on the add-ons page. There will also be a limited run of 500 for now, which may increase if there is significant popularity.


The ForeverPen Pro in Titanium

This survey will be the place you can finally upgrade to the ForeverPen Pro!

As we’ve had everyone decide the length of the ForeverPen, our most popular option which is the 5cm option, is now available on BackerKit!

Machined like all our items from a solid Grade 5 Titanium, making it super tough and durable.

Here’s a quick look at it:



Other Add-ons

In the survey, there will be the option to add various other add-ons, varying from carry options like a carabiner or wrist lanyard, to others like a hessian carry bag or a polishing cloth (that works wonders on the copper and brass pens).

With each part of the survey, we’ve segmented them to let you get the best value from each and every part and understand the survey really easily.


Thank you to all our amazing backers - That means you!

Thank you for all your patience, for your feedback and for overall being such great backers!

We couldn’t have done this without you guys ♥️

We hope you have a great end to your week!!


Best wishes,

World’s Tiniest

Mon May 31 '21 Announcement
almost 3 years ago – Mon, May 31, 2021 at 05:21:41 AM

Joint Indiegogo & Kickstarter Update


Hey everyone,

There are a few important things we’d like to go over on this update.


Our Timeline

Firstly, we’d like to keep you in the loop with how things are progressing with regards to the timeline.

Something we hadn’t factored in to our predictions was how our bank was going to react to such a large payment arriving into our account - we hadn't actually anticipated we'd get this much support and backing from you guys!

We’re delighted to say that the funds arrived early this morning, nearly two weeks after they were sent by Kickstarter.

The delay was due to the size of the payment that was received and was only released after a long back-and-forth of evidence collection with the bank.

We don’t anticipate this to be a huge delay to the delivery date, perhaps a few weeks at most, though we do want to keep you guys appraised with everything that’s going on.


The ForeverPen Pro

The new, longer ForeverPen is now called the ForeverPen Pro!

As we talked about in the previous update, the most popular size for the ForeverPen Pro was 5cm.

The 5cm pen has once again proven to be the most popular size overall, with over double the votes of the 10cm.

We can confirm the ForeverPen Pro will have a 5cm body (excl. the writing tip).

Please note: This project is still for the super tiny pen - so this ForeverPen Pro is simply an OPTIONAL upgrade - there is absolutely no obligation to upgrade.


The Pledge Management Survey

After a long deliberation with a few different survey operators, we’ve settled with the tried and tested backer favourite, BackerKit.

As we hadn’t been paid until today, we haven’t been able to pay for the survey to be sent for review.

So now, the process will be as follows:

  • The survey is paid for and sent for review.
  • The finishing touches are put onto the survey with feedback from the BackerKit team.
  • The “Smoke Test” survey goes out to a random 5% of backers to see if there are any underlying problems with the survey that we need to fix.

And finally…

  • Everyone else receives their survey, so then every single one of you will be able to provide your answers.

The full survey should be with everyone within the next week.

We don’t want you to worry right now about how you answer the survey, as when the full survey goes out, you’ll be receiving another update on how to fill it in.

If you receive the survey before the next update goes out - and are not familiar with Indiegogo/BackerKit - then please wait until the update goes out to give you a good idea of what you need to do and expect.


Thank you.

For now, this is everything we wanted to catch you guys up on.

We’re absolutely over the moon and still can’t believe how successful our little pen has been.

Thank you to each and every one of you for accompanying us on this journey!


Best wishes to all of you and stay safe!

World’s Tiniest